Global Integrated Business Solutions Inc. |
Latest NewsG.I.B.S. has currently gone underway in developing ItinPlus, Contact 2000, Automated Phone Reservations (APR Systems) and Retail solutions. ItinPlus©A complete package that includes Network Faxing solution, and Long Distance Faxing across the Internet. Click here for more info... Contact 2000©A light and dependable network sales/contact database software that allows you to store all of your contacts. With Contact 2000, you will be able to keep track of all of your new clients, contacts and a history of all of your existing clients. You will be able to add, modify and delete new, potential, non-active clients, as well as keeping a log of all existing sales/status/notes with current clients. Click here for more info... TeleBook© (Automated Phone Reservations)Using IVR technology, G.I.B.S. is in the process of developing automated phone systems capable of handling all incoming reservation confirmations and bookings, all processed by the client. The phone system will prompt the client for destination (departure and arrival), Hotel preference, Car rental, confirmation of specific flights, delays, cancellation, etc... TeleBook will eliminate the use of having a day and night staff handling reservations and confirmations. A basic 4-line Telebook System can handle the work load of 8 full time employees. Phase II is currently underway. More information soon to come.... Retail System© (RS-1)Retail System (RS-1) is currently in Phase I of development for Retail/P.O.S solutions. Retail System (RS-1) will be a product specifically designed for P.O.S. clients. From the retail store (P.O.S.) to head office, RS-1 will be fully automated and controlled by head office. Using the "Polling" method, RS-1 will update all retail stores (P.O.S.) to head office over night automatically without having to enable the system. RS-1 eliminates the use of having heavy, bulky programs that require super fast Pentiums and servers. With SQL Server technology interlinked with Visual Basic applications, RS-1 will be designed to perform in optimal high speeds. More information soon to come...
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